27 Apr 2015

More Ways to Create Your Own Android App

 Create Your Own Android App

To create your own Apps, this process doesn't need you to start from the scratch. You can Create any of your Android App Templates in blow!!!! Lets jump straight into it an d start Developing  and Publishing......
 But keep in maid that there are some App Developer that require you to buy


This is a straightforward Android app template aimed at artists and bands who want to offer fans an all-in-one solution for music, news and images.This template is packaged with an easy-to-use admin panel that allows you to easily manage the content delivered to end users within the app.

Developer: neurondigital


Blogger Should Have This Question On Their Mind

When developing a Blog site or Website, it all depend on the motive you have for building your blog or website. There are certain Questions blogger ignore to put in mind before developing any site.
In this article i will share a list some thing i believe a blogger should put in mind:

Does your content provide value, or an informative or educational benefit?

  • If your blog is not offering people something interesting, informative or of value which will save them time, or money or perhaps a solution to a problem, then the chances are that you will struggle to gain readership. So if you already have a blog which is getting hardly any visitors then maybe you should do a quick analysis or inventory of your content to see how you can make it more useful.

25 Apr 2015

How to extend the Samsung Galaxy S6's battery life

The Samsung Galaxy S6 excels at many things, but amazing battery life isn't among them. Thankfully, the situation is anything but critical, and there is a good number of ways to ensure your Galaxy S6 gets you through the day or provides you precious minutes of functionality when the battery percentage hits single digits.

22 Apr 2015

Google Could Announced its Wireless Service Today

Latest reports suggest that Google is expected to announce its wireless service today. Well, A Wall Street Journal report claims that the firm might unveil its wireless service today, but there is no specific time frame mentioned. Also, an official confirmation for the same is yet to come up.

The report further states that the Google’s wireless service will let the customers to pay only for the data that they consume each month and not for the tons of data that the carriers provide right now as most of it is left unused.

Notably, this is not the first time that the news about a wireless service from Google has popped up as we have been hearing about the same since quite sometime. The report adds that the Nexus 6 is the only device that will be compatible to the wireless service that will be launched by Google.

12 Apr 2015

How to Disable Camera Sound on Android Phones without Root

Introduction of smartphones in the market few years ago has changed the way people used their phones. Today, phones are used for quite a large number of things other than taking or receiving calls or sending and receiving text messages. Most of the smartphones are loaded with host of features which allows the users to do more than just using the calling features.

Camera is one such feature which attracts the attention of all the smartphone users. Few of the smartphones even have resolution as high as 41 MP, dual LED flash, image stabilization, real time High Definition recording, auto focus, background defocus and low light photo technology. The features of camera which is found in Android phones these days can’t even be imagined in high end stand-alone camera. Adding to this, the buyers get these smartphones at a much lower price.

10 Apr 2015

Use PhoneRescue To Recover Lost Data On iPhone

Learn how to use PhoneRescue to recover lost data on iPhone. It is easy-to-use but powerful in recovering up to 22 types of lost data.


PhoneRescue is well designed to bring your iPhone lost data back no matter how the situation turns out. It focuses on retrieving Personal Data, Media Data and App Data on iPhone, such as, messages, contacts, photos, music, app document and more. Thanks to its multiple recovery modes, PhoneRescue allows you to recover from iOS device, recover from backup and iCloud(which is coming soon). You can also get more detailed information about PhoneRescue on their company web. To retrieve your lost iPhone data you can download PhoneRescue from the Button below

PhoneRescue Free Download


PhoneRescue is a comprehensive iOS data recovery software which is designed to recover lost data for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. It enables you to recover up to 22 types of files such as photos, contacts, messages, calendars, reminders, music, video, app documents etc. Besides, it provides three recovery modes for iOS device users: Recover from iOS Device, Recover for Backup, and Recover from iCloud (coming soon).

8 Apr 2015

Tips On How To Make Visitors Stay Longer on Your Blog

The length of time that you can keep your visitors on your website can be a crucial factor in determining how successful your blog will be.

Simply getting traffic in the form of thousands of unique visitors daily is meaningless if the time they spend on your site is less than a few seconds or your bounce rate is more than 95%.

    There are certain things you can do in the way you present your pages and posts which will maximize the chances of your visitors sticking around for a longer period on your site.

The longer people stay the greater your opportunity to monetize their visit or convince them to take your desired call to action.

    A call to action is an Internet marketing term which refers to the primary action that you want your visitors to take when they land on your page or website. One example of a call to action  is where you want someone to click your “buy now” button and purchase your product. Another might be that you want to get people to download your free ebook after signing up as members.

Below are some tips which will help you to keep the attention of your visitors or at the very least keep them interested long enough to stay and explore your site and ultimately perform the call to action you want them to.

  1. Remove unnecessary external links from your landing pages and use internal links Trying to increase the average visitor time on your site is one of the ways that you can decrease your bounce rate and increase your rankings.If you use Google Analytics you’ve probably already heard of the term “bounce rate”.Bounce rate (as defined by Google) is:“..the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the entrance (landing) page”. Therefore plastering your affiliate banners and links all over your pages can work against you if your visitors leave your site immediately from the page they entered from. Try to entice your visitors to read more by offering them some relevant links to another internal page or post where you provide a useful review and which ultimately contains your affiliate banner. This way you are not pushing people straight out of the same door they entered. There are some useful WP plugins you can use to add relevant internal post links to your blog such as Yet Another Related Posts Plugin.
  2. Use emotion to present your message People most often buy from emotion whether they admit it or not. This is because the actions which emanate from emotion are quite often subconscious. Hence, an emotional response is much more likely to achieve a call to action than a logical one.For instance if you are trying to convince someone to buy your product by using logic, then the chances are that they will also look at your argument from a rational point of view and they will weigh up the pros and cons of buying versus not buying.If you introduce an emotional element to your message such as presenting a benefit or selling a solution to a problem or highlighting how people can get closer to achieving their dream, then you will appeal to the emotional decision making areas of the brain. This will maximize the chances of gaining a customer because it will create an emotional connection between your message and the reader.Therefore once you have successfully forged a positive emotional relationship with your readers, they will happily want to come back to your site to explore further or even become regular customers.
  3. Include video content on your posts and pages Video is one of the most effective ways to communicate a message to people. Even short videos of just a few minutes can often deliver more value to your readers than multiple pages of writing can. Therefore in the cases where you would usually get people browsing through an article in 10 to 20 seconds before leaving, the added benefit of using a short video is that it increases the likely-hood that people will stay on your site for longer because they are watching your video. Video on the Internet is really just a modern extension of TV but the great thing is that you get to be the producer of the content. 
  4. Use captivating images in conjunction with your copy or content Quite often the right image coupled with the relevant content can induce an emotional response and it can help lay the foundations for the right mindset you want to create before somebody reads your sales pitch or post. Humans are quite easily visually stimulated and you can exploit this by using effective images and colors with your message. 
  5. Focus on providing value and informative content rather than blatant advertising Your content and the value which it provides is the sticking point which helps to build a relationship with your readers. A relationship needs some measure of trust by both parties but when you successfully gain this trust from your readers or clients then you are also creating a longer term investment where current customers also become future customers.There are many ways you can provide value for people who will in turn be very happy to return the favor by becoming a customer. For instance you could offer free online courses or a series of tutorials which people can access after they sign up as free members.
You could also set up your own forum or support system which provides help to people but also an opportunity for people to interact with each other.

Deleting Bullk Pictures and Videos from iPhone Camera Roll

We’re seven versions into iOS and there is still no way to delete all your videos and pictures from the camera roll in bulk! This is one maddening annoyance and I don’t understand why it hasn’t been addressed by Apple. What ends up happening is that you keep taking photos and videos until you run out of space and have to delete them.

If you’re like me, you might have all those pictures and videos backed up using Google+ or Facebook or Dropbox or via some other cloud storage app. In that case, you don’t even care to copy them to a computer and just would like to delete them all.

6 Apr 2015

Boost Your Ecommerce Store Using Facebook. (Powerful Tips)

With more than 1.5 billion registered users, a figure continuously rising, Facebook is a social networking powerhouse. It’s worth more than the annual output of many countries and has users from all across the globe. The amount of data Facebook has, and the detail with which people willingly share information about them on Facebook, makes it any marketer’s dream platform. Just look at some of these stats.
·         Facebook has more than 1.5 billion registered users.

·         More than 699 million people log in to Facebook every day.

7 Ways To Boost Your Marketing Efforts Using Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the world’s most popular web analytics application, used by almost every other webmaster. According to SimilarTech, almost 61% of the top 1 million websites (Alexa rankings) use Google Analytics.
However, most webmasters don’t use Google Analytics to its full potential. Studies indicate that almost 80% of ecommerce retailers use Google Analytics incorrectly. Viewing daily traffic stats, page views and traffic sources is a very basic way of using Google Analytics.

 As a webmaster, you can use it in a much more advanced manner and derive extremely useful insights that can be used to fine tune your traffic strategy and marketing campaigns.

How To Find Out Who Hots A WedSite

Here’s a quick little tip for anyone looking for a simple way to find out who is hosting a particular website. Trying to figure out who hosts a web site can be an annoying task if you’re trying to go through the usual channels by searching a WHOIS database, etc. A lot of times you’ll only get the company or person that registered the domain name, but not the actual hosting company.
Who is Hosting This? is a very simple web service whose sole purpose is to tell you the company that is hosting a website. I really like this because most of the other online web site checking tools simply do not give a clear and concise answer to this very simple question.

I came across this website because I was looking for a for better hosting company, but I first wanted to know what hosting companies some peer sites in my field were using, such as How To Geek, Labnol.org, etc. I know those sites run smoothly and have millions of visitors every month,

Recover Your Lost Password using Login Recovery

Recover Your Lost Password using Login Recovery

Forgetting your password to log into Windows can be a very frustrating experience, especially if the hint doesn’t help either! There are a couple of programs out there that can help you, but there is one called Login Recovery that caught my eye. The reason it caught my eye is because it’s fairly simple to use even if you are not very techie person. Unlike some of the other programs or methods to crack the Administrator password that change keys in the registry, involve Linux, or ask you to install another copy of Windows, Login Recovery is an easy to use web-based service.
Unfortunately, it’s not free, but you don’t have to pay if you don’t want too. Firstly, they will tell you whether or not the password could be fully decrypted or not. If not, you’re done and you don’t pay anything. If the password was found, then you have the option of paying if you want to see it

The program is called Login Recovery and it consists of three parts in order to recover your password: